We are pleased to invite you to the SDARM Congress of Medical Professionals, which will take place from the 1st until the 3rd of March, 2024, in Bucov, Prahova County, Romania, AZSMR-Bucov Church, under the theme “The Role of Faith in the Practice of Medicine”.

During this meeting, we will have the opportunity to explore how we can harmoniously combine faith and spiritual values in contemporary medical practice.

At this congress you will be able to:

  • listen to experienced speakers who will address topics of interest inspired by the theme of the event; 
  • actively engage in open discussion, where you can share your own convictions according to Christian principles on pre-announced topics of interest; 
  • join a special worship and experience program where we encourage you to share an experience with God that you have had in the medical field, regardless of your status (student, medical professional or patient);
  • take part in simultaneous interactive workshops for doctors, residents, students and nurses; 
  • present concrete proposals for medical missionary work during the final session, which we can implement;
  • finally, to actively participate in the medical missionary activity of free consultations that will take place on Sunday, 3 March 2024, in the AZSMR-Bucov Church.
Below you can see the detailed schedule of the event, along with details on content and speakers:

19:00 – 20:00 Opening of the Congress and Plenary Session I – speaker Dr. Emil Barbu, Master of Ceremony Emanuel Dinu *

20:15 – 21:00 Personal presentation and getting to know each other – Moderator Adrian Mariș

21:00 Personal free time

09:15 – 10:40 Beginning of the program with moments of praise – Moderator Alexandru Dumitru – followed by Sabbath School – Moderators Monica Ștefan & Robert Mareșiu *

11:00 – 12:00 Plenary Session II – speaker Dr. Dragan Ivanov, Master of Ceremony David Radu *

12:30 Lunch

14:00 – 15:30 Interactive free discussion session on topics of common interest – short introduction to the topic, followed by free discussion – Moderator Cristian Mariș

  • Medical work on the Sabbath day (shifts, guards etc.) – Dr. Valerian Răileanu
  • 100% natural or 100% allopathic? – Resident Pharmacist Andrei Șuteu
  • How do you introduce Christ to the patient (especially the seriously/terminally ill)? – Dr. Florentina Barbu

16:30 – 18:00 Program of medical experiences and moments of praise – Master of Ceremony Adonis Bora *

18:00 – 18:10 Closing of the Sabbath – Speaker Adonis Bora *

18:45 – 19:30 Session dedicated to the presentation of previous missions and plans for future missionary-medical projects – Speaker Dani Cojocaru, Moderator Răzvan Tătaru

19:45 – 20:15 Dinner

19:15 – 20:00 Parallel interactive workshops:

  • Medical workshop: medical presentations, case presentations, exchange of experiences
  • Residents’ workshop: Dr. Gabriela Răileanu
  • Students’ workshop: Dr. Lavinia Bizău
  • Dentistry students’ workshop: Adelina Cojocaru
  • Nurses’ workshop: Ramona Mocanu 

21:15 Personal free time

09:00 – 10:15 Presentations of experiences from clinics and health centres – Moderator Andrei Șuteu:

  • Breaza, România
  • Normandia, Franța
  • Novi Sad, Serbia

10:15 – 10:45 Question and answer session on practicing medicine in the diaspora – Moderator Andrei Șuteu

10:45 – 11:00 Closing of the Congress – Moderator Andrei Șuteu


On Sunday from 08:00 to 16:30 there will be a separate activity of free consultations with volunteers registered on WhatsApp, that will also take place in the AZSMR-Bucov Church.

* Program streamed LIVE on AZSMR Bucov YouTube channel. Watch here!
Did you know that we broadcast all of our Sabbath programs weekly and that we have spiritual themes and occasionally medical themes during the week on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays? We invite you to get to know each other on our social media platforms:

Dr. Dragan Ivanov

We are pleased to have Brother Dragan Ivanov with us, joining us from Novi Sad, Serbia, through the grace of the Lord.
Dr. Dragan Ivanov is a specialist in Internal Medicine. He completed his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine and wrote a thesis on The Effect of Vegetarianism on Lipids, Atherosclerosis, and Modern Diseases. He worked as a full-time professor at a college and he also works as a private doctor in his Internal Medicine Clinic. He treats his patients with natural medicines, nutrition, lifestyle changes, and when necessary, conventional medicine. He gave numerous lectures in public halls for citizens and participated in numerous TV shows about health. He will speak during the Sabbath worship service at 11:00 a.m. Additionally, he will be present with us for the entire time of the congress, participating in other activities as well.

Dr. Emil Barbu

The speaker for Friday evening’s theme will be Dr. Emil Barbu, a board-certified surgeon who works at the Municipal Hospital in Câmpina, Sanconfind Clinic, and the Eden Health and Preventive Medicine Center in Breaza.

“During our meeting, I aspire to draw attention to the Lord Jesus through experiences in preventive medicine, diagnostic practice, intraoperative procedures, and beyond. He alone can provide inspiration and healing. He is the one who guides us step by step, both in decision-making and in therapeutic practice. Without Him, we cannot truly be complete physicians.”

Pharmacist Andrei Șuteu

"100% allopathic or 100% natural? A guaranteed success? You've likely faced the two options many times, and as a Christian medical professional, you ponder the balanced approach in this medical dispute.

I’m Andrei Șuteu, a Resident Clinical Pharmacist, and I invite you you to a workshop on this topic where we'll discuss the challenge from both angles, considering it in the light of scientific evidence and professional experience, as well as the therapeutic principles left by the Great Healer. In the balance, yet in harmony. Envision the scene, and let's bring it into discussion!"

Dr. Adelina Cojocaru, Dentistry and Entrepreneur Dani Cojocaru

“«Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.» What can you achieve by having faith? And if you add vision, determination and discipline? What if for a time like this God helped you thus far? What can you achieve in 24 years?"

Dr. Adelina and Dani Cojocaru will share revelations from the past and present, from inside the Victoria Center Dental Clinic in Normandy, France.

Dr. Gabriela Răileanu

Are you a medical resident? At this meeting, a session dedicated to residents with Dr. Gabriela Răileanu, a specialist in Cardiology and Electrophysiology, awaits you. Here are some of the questions she will try to provide answers to:

"Have you just started your residency and are not sure if you've chosen what's right for you? Do you feel the need for confirmation that what you're doing is something you'll enjoy for a lifetime? Are you contemplating whether to continue or rather change direction, but unsure when the right time would be? Perhaps you're disappointed by the gap between the expectations you had for residency and your achievements so far. Or maybe you're very satisfied with all your choices but want to know more about what might await you after completing residency, to be prepared. Or maybe you're already towards the end of residency and don't know which path to take next? Working in public service, private practice, or abroad? These choices can be challenging at times. Do you have questions you'd like to discuss with someone who has been through it? I invite you to share some thoughts on this subject and more."

Dr. Lavinia Bizău

During the congress, there will be a session dedicated to students, where Dr. Lavinia Bizău, a specialist in Internal Medicine and current resident in Gastroenterology, will provide a concise presentation aimed at guiding students for a better orientation in the medical field.

"Are you a medical student who has worked hard to get here? Whether you're asking yourself or being asked, 'What specialty do you wish to practice?' I invite you to a brief overview of medical specialties, discussing their advantages and disadvantages, learn how to leverage the information, gifts from God, and personal desires to find your rightful place."

General Nurse Ramona Mocanu

Are you a medical assistant? At this conference, a special interactive workshop awaits you, led by Ramona Mocanu, Senior General Nurse and Senior Laboratory Medical Assistant.

"Profound suffering can change a person, who in addition to specialized medical care, requires understanding, respect, encouragement, support, explanations, empathy, and human warmth. Besides being a skilled professional, a nurse must possess remarkable moral qualities, often described as embodying a «Christian» approach. To navigate the challenges of this calling to be a medical assistant, I invite you to discuss the personal ethics of medical personnel, with practical applications to common situations encountered by each individual."

For accommodation, we have the following options available depending on preferences and possibilities, in order of registration:

  • 36 beds in two rooms (women’s and men’s) with shared bathrooms at the AZSMR-Bucov church;
  • accommodation with the brothers from the Bucov community and its surroundings: Ploiești, Pleașa, Plopu, Pietroșani;
  • Eden-Breaza Sanatorium
  • guesthouses/motels/hotels in the area, listed in order of distance from the church:

Those requesting accommodation in the form will be contacted after registration closes (on the 15th of February 2024), before the 20th of February 2024.

The Saturday lunch and dinner will be communal meals at the church, for all participants, while the rest of the meals will be served where each one is accommodated.


In order to confirm your participation in this congress and to facilitate the organisation and smooth running of the event, please register using the following form, together with all your accompanying family members, by 15 of February 2024!


If you wish to support this event financially you can do so during the event or through a donation to the following bank account RO90BRDE080SV19007220800 -
Asociația Religioasă a AZSMR, mentioning
,,Medical Congress".

We look forward to seeing you at this meeting where, by God’s grace, we can experience mutual encouragement, uplifting motivation and unity. For those of you who are unable to attend the event in person, the main themes will be streamed LIVE on the AZSMR-Bucov YouTube channel! See you soon, either in person or online!

You can search for ,,AZSMR-Bucov” on any GPS app and you will find us! Don’t forget to register!

© All rights reserved AZSMR-Bucov 2024